Take a look at this fantastic video showing the speed at which we constructed this Modular Vaccine Laboratory for our valued client Wuix Vaccines. This Volumetric turnkey modular containment vaccine laboratory was designed and constructed off site in our manufacturing facility and delivered to site in Mid February. Even though our team encountered three storms we still managed to achieve weather tight building 12 days after the first Module was positioned.
WuXi Vaccines, a subsidiary of Wuxi Biologics, is engaged in human vaccine Contract Development and Manufacturing. This Vaccine Laboratory is the first building constructed as part of the recently announced €240 million USD vaccine manufacturing facility in Dundalk, Ireland.
Modubuild, along with our delivery partners have taken this project from design concept to on site delivery in record time by completing design and build in our state of the art off site design and construction facility in parallel with planning and site enabling works.
Huge thanks to all of our project delivery partners who are working tirelessly to deliver this project in record breaking time.